
Photo to Digital Conversion

Recently had a good question posed to me when grabbing my morning cup of coffee at my local Speedway, someone was looking for a good method to convert photos to digital, so I went digging for possible solutions without taking an arm and a leg. Found this device on amazon: Digital Film & Slide Scanner for only 79 bones and this one: Digital Film & Photo Scanner for 109 bones the benefit for either is the option to do film, and then the second has the capability to do 3 preset sizes of prints as well. Neither is bound to a printer that you would never want to operate.





Welcome to my lil corner out here on the web. A lot has changed since the night I dialed in the first time back in 1995. Biggest difference would be bandwidth, we where happy with 14400 connections initially and then 28800, 33600 baud, ( bits per second ) to when I was in Kansas City, MO sitting on a fat asynchronous 768 ( just shy of 1mb ) DSL line to today where download speeds of 500mb ( 500 times what the initial area ISP’s had available ) are common place in the home.



One of the most repetitive tasks for developers is standing up a new development site, if your like me then you always are looking for ways to get consistent results and save time. Obviously one way is it make a “core” and zip it and always deploy from the zip. That works, but you then have to go through and find and replace a bunch of values in the db, update the plugins and if you’re doing all that from within the admin takes time, which could be better spent starting to theme the site or adding test content and building out some pages to see how everything is going to layout on the screen.

Solution: WP CLI and a little bit of bash scripting

Portage, Michigan Businesses

Slow Drains in Portage Michigan

Recently I had the privilege of calling Service Professor out to help remediate some slow drains, I have to hand it to them, real humans called back after filling out the contact form on the website on a weekend. Additionally, the night before they sent a note reminding you about the appointment, before the tech shows up at the house they send you a note saying they are on their way with a link to view the techs biography with the company giving a little bit of personal information about the tech your going to be working with which is great for helping you know who is about to enter your home. Oh yeah, they have coupons on the site as well!

kevin heflin DOT net